
Patch resistors use alphanumeric marking resistors

If the smd resistor name contains only a number without letters, it can be either ohm or megohm. Patch resistor In this case, if there is no comma in the number, then these will be ohms, if there is -megohm. Alphanumeric marking of resistors Resistors may be marked with alphanumeric names applied to the resistor housing. In general, the resistance value and its percentage tolerance are expressed as (soil 5%, 10%, 20%). Percentage tolerances are most often expressed in Latin letters. The type of resistor and its power consumption are sometimes indicated. However, it is difficult to use such a name in the case of small resistors, so label it with four, five, or six color rings.

Patch resistors use alphanumeric marking resistors(图1)

SMD resistors are color-coded reciting, with markers read from left to right and the first ring wider or closer to the resistance pin. We will not provide the full color-coded table here. Resistance values can be found in online calculators. For example, here. It's comfortable. In general, the resistance value of a resistor is expressed on its body by means of a marker. But sometimes you need to measure the resistance. This usually happens during maintenance. The mark may be very colored or frayed, and the resistor itself may burn. You can use a digital multimeter to measure the resistance of the resistor. Multimeters measure not only resistance, but also other quantities - current, voltage, capacitance, temperature, etc.

Generally, multimeters have range and value switches and probe input jacks. To measure resistance, place the switch in one of the resistance measurement ranges near which the 0 symbol is usually located. In this case, the number, for example, "200" denotes the norm from 0 to 200 ohms, the name "20k" - the range from 0 to 200 kilohm, and the name "200M" - the range from zero to 200 ohm - 200 megabytes. Resistance above Range boundary If the resistance value of the resistance exceeds the selected range, the leftmost number will be the number "1". When measuring small resistance values (ohm units - fractions of ohm), the resistance of the multimeter probe must be considered. To do this, you need to close the probes to each other, and the multimeter will show some resistance (fractions of ohm). This value must then be subtracted from the measured positive value. When measuring resistance over 100 ohm, the measurement error will be less than 1%. This is sufficient for most practical applications.

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